Maritime State University

Maritime State University named after admiral G.I. Nevelskoi (Russian: Морско́й госуда́рственный университе́т и́мени адмира́ла Г.И. Невельско́го) is the first Maritime University in Russia to prepare specialists necessary for maritime transport systems in the spheres of natural science, the humanities, technical and marine conventional trends. MSU is one of the biggest maritime universities, being the leading university of Asian-Pacific region and the top scientific methodological center of maritime education on Russian Far East. Twelve scientific schools are working in the sphere of marine and engineers elaboration within the university. MSU prepares engineer-technical staff of 28 specializations and specialties. MSU includes 11 Institutes, 16 Faculties, Maritime College, Human-Technical Lyceum, lyceum classes, the School of Young Sailors and Kids’ Studio.




More than 5000 students study at MSU today. 37 members of Russian Academies, 2 Honoured Scientists of Science and Techniques, 5 Honoured Workers of Transport of Russian Federation, 39 Honoured Workers of Sea Fleet, 7 Honoured Workers of Higher Professional Education of Russian Federation are working now at the university. 4 offices of Military Education Faculty have scientific Titles. More than 60% of teachers have University Degrees, more than 80% of teaching staff graduated from the university. There is a special training course in post-graduate studies of 11 specializations. Doctorate works over two scientific trends. The University has its own special councils to defend Candidate, Ph.D. thesis and Ph.D. degrees of Transport. Scientific supervisors address support system has been working since 1999. Student are on the full board, they live in the dormitories and have free feeding and uniform. Junior students have navigation practice on the ships of MSU. Since 1992 the university has its own shipping company FESMA, training boat "Nadezhda", cargo training ship "Vitya Chalenko", fishing boat "Professor Phrolov". Senior students have navigation practice on ships of Far Eastern Shipping Company. There is a special kids' studio and the club "Moreckhod" in the university for professional guidance. There are special lyceum classes for teenagers in Vladivostok and some towns of Primorskyi region, such as Artyom, Arseniev, Kirovka, Nakhodka.

University resources

MSU has 7 academic buildings, 46 laboratories and studies, library with three reading halls for 220 seats, library with more than 300 thousand books, 10 professional training centers imitating ship equipment. There are all conditions to be in good physical form, to have free time and for sports. MSU has student's cafeteria for 2000 seats, medical center, 8 dormitories for students, a swimming pool, summer camp in Narva bay and the best yacht club in Vladivostok. All academic buildings and dormitories are situated on the university territory. The university has huge opportunities for sports. There are about 20 sport sections in the university: swimming, volley-ball, mini-football, shooting, different kinds of wrestling, tennis, ship design sports and others. Studies are being conducted by experienced specialists. The most talented students get the diploma and the certificate of extra profession. The university has a club with a good hall where students hold different entertainment activities, there is a folk group “Dudari”, music and dance group under the head of M. Kruchkov, dancing group “Alians” and other groups. The university has its own web server. Academic buildings are connected by the net of more than 650 computers. There are about 38 computer classes, each of them has its own server with soft ware necessary to conduct academic and scientific work. There are wide informational recourses for academic process in the inner informational net of the university. These are computer versions of books, lectures and other materials developed in the university. The university realizes the whole complex of programs of professional maritime training of specialists according to the demands of International Conventions and national standards. Regional Center of Extra Maritime Professional Education controls the academic process. High rank staff and maritime specialists study on this program. The university has a complex of navigation training centers including the trainer of ship management, connection systems and electro cartography trainers. Practical lessons of life saving are practiced in 25 meters swimming pool. The course of medical training is held in a diagnostic center equipped with special trainers academic classes and equipment. Open Maritime Institute works within the university. It allows to study according to a new system. MSU is one of the founder of Pacific Ocean Law Institute. The university conducts different researches of transport complex problems. Since 1997 the university organizes researches on a sailing boat “Nadezhda” together with Moscow, Saint-Petersburg universities.

International cooperation

Mutual cooperation of Pacific-Asian region countries has a good influence on the development of international relationships. Constant partners of MSU are some universities of China, Australian Maritime College, California Maritime Academy (USA), National Maritime University of Mokpo ( Korea), Maritime University of Pusan (Korea), the University of Trade Fleet, Tokyo (Japan). MSU have students exchange with universities of Toayama (Japan).


MSU usually organizes open rowing sailing regattas for adm. G.I. Nevelskoi Cup in spring and autumn. About 300 sportsmen take part in these racings. Yachtsmen of MSU are leaders of far sport racing to the coasts of England, USA, Germany, Poland, Holland, France, Australia, Japan, Panama, Mexico, Nicaragua, the Sudan, Italy, New Zealand and other countries. They sailed along the Amur, Volga, Neva, Severnaya Dvina, Don, Vistula, Rhine, Thames rivers and the Volgo-Don Canal, the Volgo-Baltic Canal, the Belomorskyi Canal, the Kielskyi Canal, the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal and others. Yachtsmen found a lot of information about the history of geographical discoveries of Far East. They followed the sea routes of admiral G.I. Nevelskoi and V.Bering, they set 8 monuments and memorial plaque on Sakhalin, the Kola Peninsula and other places, they also made archaeological excavations on Kamchatka, Chukotski Peninsula, the Aleutian Islands, Alaska and California.

External links